
Mushroom substrates from Wallhausen for highest product quality


As far as can be officially documented, mushroom cultivation began in the mid-17th century. However, mushroom growing in quantities of any real significance developed only in the early 20th century. The number of businesses producing mushrooms in specially constructed, darkened and climate-controlled halls kept increasing. Thus, the delicious fungus, which previously had only been available to high society and upscale gastronomy, gradually became affordable to practically everybody.

Fresh mushrooms have a high health value due to their content of vitamins D, B2, biotin and niacin as well as the minerals potassium, iron, copper, selenium and phosphorus. At the same time, their caloric content of 15 per 100 gr is hardly relevant.

Find a lot of interesting information as well as recipes for delicious mushroom dishes to try out, www.gesunde-pilze.de (in German)

Pilzhof Wallhausen is an active member of the Bund Deutscher Champignon- und Kulturpilzanbauer e.V. (“Association of German Mushroom and Cultivated Fungi Growers”) www.der-champignon.de (in German)


over 90% horse manure

Mushroom substrate made from natural raw materials

Customary mushroom substrate consists of more than 90% horse manure, straw, and small amounts of poultry dung and gypsum.

average water content

percentage of fat

Mushrooms as part of a healthy diet

Fresh, store-bought button mushrooms contain 91% water and less than 1% fat on average.

Calories per 100 g:

Morels: 24 kcal
Chanterelles: 26 kcal
Button mushrooms: 15 kcal

share of button mushrooms among mushroom production in Germany

level of self-sufficiency in Germany

Information about production at Pilzhof Wallhausen

95.8% of overall mushroom production is made up of button mushrooms.

More than 50% are produced in Germany itself, which means that transport routes are short, and thus the mushrooms are fresh.

We produce
mushroom substrates
since 2000

On 20 January 1999, the ground-breaking ceremony for the entire production complex took place. After that, construction of the fruiting facility began, where the fourth production phase is carried out.

About our history

Photos from

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Pilzhof Pilzsubstrat Wallhausen GmbH
Mühlgebreite 4
06528 Wallhausen

Telephone: 004934656 613
E-Mail: buero@pilzhof-wallhausen.de


ISO 9001

ISO 50001

QSGAP Standard

2023 Regional­fenster